Avengers: Endgame, Avengers: Infinity War, & Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2


Legacy Effects Coordinator

During Avengers: Endgame, Avengers: Infinity War, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Kelly earned a key role in the pre-production,  on-set/production, and the awards campaign stage.

Throughout pre-production Kelly worked through Legacy Effects as the project coordinator and organized the build for their character assets ranging from fabricated items as well as thousands of prosthetic makeup pieces for a multitude of characters. Her main objective was to ensure a productive and efficient team as she handled these items from creation during pre-production and followed them to set.

Once in production she coordinated the prosthetic makeup team through principal photography. She also took on a second department and assisted as coordinator for the specialty suits team until their full-time coordinator was available for the duration of the show for the Avengers films.  For a more extensive list of roles her resume is available upon request.

After the film's completion the special effects makeup team went on to campaign for the awards, resulting in a Guild (706) nomination (5 films of 2017), and making the short list for the Oscars (7 films of 2017).


This is a page excerpt from the Oscar Bake-off book detailing the character’s work, to see the full book and full scope of all the work that went into the film please click here.


Among Kelly's many roles on set, she also filmed and edited the makeup processes of her team's characters.  The time lapses of Nebula and Yondu were later uploaded upon the film's release as promotion. 

The core Legacy Effects team

The core Legacy Effects team

Full on-set crew of Guardians of Galaxy 2

Full on-set crew of Guardians of Galaxy 2

Full on-set crew of Avengers 3 and 4

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Endgame